



外來人口換發新式統一證號公告Announcement of the Replacement and Issuance of New format UI No. for Foreign Nationals


1. 內政部移民署自110年起12日起換發「新式外來人口統一證號」,相關資訊可參考內政部網站https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5382/5385/7445/238440/
New UI No. for Foreign Nationalspolicy starts from January 2,2021. More information please refer to the website of the Ministry of the Interiorhttps://www.immigration.gov.tw/5382/5385/7445/238440/

2.請存戶本人(外來人士)攜帶含有照片及新式統一證號之居留證明文件至本行各營業單位臨櫃辦理資料更新;或至本行官網下載 客戶基本資料變更申請書(傳真及網路版) (https://www.sunnybank.com.tw/net/Page/Smenu/75 ),於填寫完成後,連同含有照片及新式統一證號之居留證明文件,以郵寄或傳真方式寄至本行各營業單位辦理資料更新。


Depositors of foreign nationals at our bank are advised to come in person to any of our branches to update personal information. You can also fill in the application form which can be downloaded from our official website (https://www.sunnybank.com.tw/net/Page/Smenu/75) and mail or fax it to any of our branches. Proof of residency document containing an ID photo and the new UI No. is required.



Filled in your individual income tax return and ACH transaction service (such as credit card bill payments or payroll transfers) should be consistent with your banking account information to avoid affecting your own right and interests.


After replacing your UI No., it is recommended to simultaneously provide relevant information to payroll employers, securities companies, public utility companies, tax collection authorities, etc., for them to successfully update your information to complete the deposit/deduct.


5. 若您與本行有信用卡、授信業務往來,本行於接獲財團法人金融聯合徵信中心通知後約30日內主動將您的統一證號更新為新式外來人口證號,以確保傳送聯徵中心資料正確性。

If you have credit card or loan business with E.SUN bank, after we received the notice from Joint Credit Information Center, we will automatically replace your previous UI No. into your new UI No. within the next 30 days to ensure the correctness of the information transmitted.


6. 如有疑問請洽詢本行客服:02-2822-0122
If you have any questions, please contact us